Eternal Aspects of Our Lives

Jesus hands me a large book with gold edges. “Open it.”

I gently open the book as light and images appear. The images move as multi-dimensional videos of moments of my life with each page turn. As I view the pages, flashes of my sin and bad decisions come to my mind, but none of those were in the book.

“All that is not of Me is washed away with your repentance and humility. I know you remember everything while on earth, but it brings you bondage. Here, in eternity, this is what you will have and will only remember, for all else is washed clean. Each moment of pure joy, innocence, prayer, worship, anything done for Me or of a pure heart, […]

By |2021-03-26T14:42:39+00:00March 26th, 2021|Categories: From God, Heaven, Jesus, Walking with Jesus|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |

Beauty and Dangers of the Spiritual Realms

In this experiential vision, Jesus reveals to me the beauty of His spiritual realms when He not only gives permission but also protection. Then Jesus explains the truth of experiencing these realms without Him by revealing the lures of the evil ones with lies and deceptions. Satan's ultimate goal to deceiving as many people as possible is also seen.

Are You Jesus’ Friend?

Jesus tells me, “Two paths, oftentimes more than two, regularly intersect in the minds of all people. This moment of choice is the pivotal experience of choosing Me or choosing self. Many believe they can choose to be their own identity without Me and still walk with Me and be My friend. The nature of Who I Am and My relationship with each person is more than words of platitude for the human mind. For without My Spirit or My truth, none can actualize any relationship with Me. Therefore, how can one be “My Friend” and not obey My Truth and My Word? No, they just fool themselves. Remember the Scripture, ‘Depart from Me for I never knew you?’ People may […]

By |2020-10-19T18:08:37+00:00October 19th, 2020|Categories: From God, Jesus, Walking with Jesus|Tags: , , , , , , |

Satan Cannot Destroy God’s Perfection

Jesus brings parts of His creation closer to us for me to view. He keeps drawing them ever closer so that I can see into microscopic aspects of His creation. The effects of the enemy's work are easy to see, even to the molecular level. “If you look closely, you will see that My beginnings, My origins are still there.” I see a level within the DNA strand that is in another dimension for lack of a better word. It's perfection and beauty displays that it is untouched by the enemy's work. I understand it is sustained by God’s presence so that the enemy has no effect upon it.

By |2020-10-08T19:18:08+00:00July 28th, 2020|Categories: End Times, From God|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

Jesus Addresses You, His Child

Jesus says, “Write for My children: Much of what you are about to see and do and even learn is not going to make any sense to others and sometimes even you. Remember how I have worked in the past, in your life as well as in others. My ways are higher than your ways, but I can only work within the realm of limitations you have placed upon Me. Do not have boundaries or limitations for My work and being within your realm of life. Know that all things are possible with Me. Learn to expect the impossible and even the inconceivable. Remember Father and I created everything you see and do not see from the heights of the furthest […]

By |2020-06-30T16:46:46+00:00July 3rd, 2020|Categories: From God|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

Gray Areas Are Not That Bad, Are They?

Jesus says to me, “You must tell them to forsake all that dishonors Me. Help them to understand many times their “gray areas” are blasphemous in My presence. How will they be able to stand before Me when I am repulsed by what they put before their eyes and their ears. Did I not say blessed are those who have eyes to see and ears to hear? So many of those who claim to be My children fill their existence with that which is abominations in My eyes, so they cannot see nor can they hear My voice or My Word.”

“As a Jew removes every speck of yeast from their home, I desire My children to remove every speck of abomination […]

Perspective on God’s Kingdom

“When the impossibilities of the world around you is understood to be insurmountable and overwhelming, remember who I Am. I have not only created all that you can see and experience, but also walked it Myself. When one follows my footsteps, they will begin to understand My perspective. My teaching was to help people understand the eternal nature of their being. Did I not proclaim to Pilot that My Kingdom is not of this world? So why are My children still trying to force My truths and teachings to conform into an earthly kingdom? Why are My words being taught to harm, destroy, and attack others? Especially against other Christians who are My children? No, those who do and say such, […]

By |2020-03-17T16:29:37+00:00March 17th, 2020|Categories: From God|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

God Delights In His Remnant

“The shepherds are to tend to My sheep, My children as if they were their own; in tenderness and in truth. Training and rebuke are required to maintain their safety and maturity. Each shepherd will be accountable, not for the numbers or money or increase, but for their representation of who I Am and My work through them. Child, did I have a mega church? No, I poured into a few and spoke My Truth to the masses. But the masses could not, nor did they want to, change their lives for Me. They wanted Me to change Myself and give to them so they could continue in their ways.”

“Why is it the divorce rate, the suicide rate, the porn and […]

Warning From Jesus

“My Kingdom is not one for the self righteous, the condemner, nor the activist. My Kingdom’s door is open to the poor in spirit, the meek, and the humble regardless of their past. I am the door, My Father is the door keeper. Have I not told you so already? Submission to Me and others is the key that many are searching for and yet unable to find.”

By |2020-04-13T16:52:50+00:00September 20th, 2019|Categories: Announcement, From God|Tags: , , , , , , |

Simplicity Reveals God’s Real Treasure

Jesus leans back and says, “I am your responsibility. People, places, worldly events, they should not deter you from Me, but instead push you to Me all the more. Man does not know what they want, else they would desire after Me. They run to and fro seeking anything else but Me.”

I think of the social media that many are running to. Jesus continues, “Entertainment, not truth. People want to be withdrawn from their lives into a world of lies and fantasy, which then becomes their heart’s desire for truth. Chasing after the wind, all that is vanity. To desire truth is to seek it out. Work for it. This country has forgotten the joy, the experience of knowing Me!”

Jesus leads […]

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