Repent Now For The Time Is Near

Father, what can You tell me about the Corona virus that we are all facing?

“This virus has been allotted for this time, this hour and this season to display who I Am. I am sifting My wheat. Many of those who claim to be Mine refuse to understand I am justice and righteousness. My wrath is filled as well with My glory so that My Name shall be resounded throughout the earth. I have had enough of the cruelty to My children and to My creation. My judgment stands as follows:”

The one to who has been given much, much shall be required. The one who has stolen shall have take from them even what they do not have. The one […]

Gray Areas Are Not That Bad, Are They?

Jesus says to me, “You must tell them to forsake all that dishonors Me. Help them to understand many times their “gray areas” are blasphemous in My presence. How will they be able to stand before Me when I am repulsed by what they put before their eyes and their ears. Did I not say blessed are those who have eyes to see and ears to hear? So many of those who claim to be My children fill their existence with that which is abominations in My eyes, so they cannot see nor can they hear My voice or My Word.”

“As a Jew removes every speck of yeast from their home, I desire My children to remove every speck of abomination […]

God Delights In His Remnant

“The shepherds are to tend to My sheep, My children as if they were their own; in tenderness and in truth. Training and rebuke are required to maintain their safety and maturity. Each shepherd will be accountable, not for the numbers or money or increase, but for their representation of who I Am and My work through them. Child, did I have a mega church? No, I poured into a few and spoke My Truth to the masses. But the masses could not, nor did they want to, change their lives for Me. They wanted Me to change Myself and give to them so they could continue in their ways.”

“Why is it the divorce rate, the suicide rate, the porn and […]

How to Hear From Jesus

God speaks through His Spirit with those who abide in Him (John 14:15-27, Gal 5:25). What is interesting is if we are not led by God’s Spirit, we are not His children (Romans 8:14). As we seek to have a right relationship with God and abide in Him, we begin to commune with Him as a friend (John 10:27, Revelation 3:20).

Your relationship with the One who created and designed you (Psalm 139) will be unique as well as a journey. As we see in Scripture, God speaks to each of His children differently:
Moses – By voice and a burning bush (Exodus 3ff), and then later face to face as a friend (Exodus 33:11).
Joseph – Given interpretation for dreams (Genesis 40)
Zechariah […]

By |2020-04-13T17:01:05+00:00August 27th, 2019|Categories: Bible Study, Hearing From God, Personal Notes|Tags: , , , , , |
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