Learning in Eternity

Jesus takes me to a massive library within His realm. It is filled with many books of different sizes and colors as far as I can see. As I look up at the extreme height of the bookshelves, I realize there is no ceiling. Above us is openness which a view of the Father on His throne in the distance. All the books seem to radiate with light and understanding which lure me to them. Jesus calls me to Him as He sits down in a white chair. I notice a chair across from Him for me to sit. I look around at the gorgeous polished wood tables scattered throughout the aisles, but between Jesus and myself is nothing but pristine […]

By |2023-06-19T23:11:36+00:00June 19th, 2023|Categories: About God, End Times, Heaven, Jesus|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |

Why Do Men Strive to Destroy God’s Goodness?

“That which is from the beginning shall have no end.
He extends His loving kindness from morning to morning,
to all those who will hear His voice.
His trumpet shall resound
from the furthest reaches of the heavens
to the deepest depths of Sheol.
There is none who can take Him
from His established throne above all creation.
None can displace from His head
even one hair nor one toe from His footstool.

Why do men strive to destroy His goodness?
Who among the loins of man can disrupt His plans?
Who in the heavenlies can thwart His plan
that has been established from before even their existence?

None can, that is the answer.
None in all the heavenly realms or in creation below can displace even one jot or iota of God’s Truth.
They can only […]

By |2023-04-11T00:22:20+00:00April 11th, 2023|Categories: About God, End Times, From God, Heaven|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |

Beauty and Dangers of the Spiritual Realms

In this experiential vision, Jesus reveals to me the beauty of His spiritual realms when He not only gives permission but also protection. Then Jesus explains the truth of experiencing these realms without Him by revealing the lures of the evil ones with lies and deceptions. Satan's ultimate goal to deceiving as many people as possible is also seen.

Jesus Explains His Existence

Jesus calls me to His side. “Write child. The distance between My words and the proclamation of My being is a margin for little to no error. The standing of My presence within the being of My text is one and the same. None can destroy My Word, nor can they destroy Me for both are unending in the scope of your realm of understanding. The existence between the exemplifications of the issuance of My Words is the proof of the existence of My very nature and being. For this is how My Father has established all that is known of Me into your reality of existence. Since nature has taken upon the exemplification of who I am then there is […]

Jesus’ Perspective of Worship

Why do people refuse Your amazing love for them? Instead, they hate You and Your people with such vehemence. You are perfect in all You are. I can’t wait to be with You forever in the perfect utopia so to speak where there is no sin or selfishness or greed or pain or hatred. All that the enemy has brought humans will be gone. I long to be where we are perfectly designed, can create and experience everything You have for us to the fullest. I struggle to put to words so people will understand what You have for those who desire to live with You for eternity.

“Child, I have not only spoken through the prophets, given utterance of holy things […]

By |2020-03-27T14:26:58+00:00March 25th, 2020|Categories: About God, From God, Walking with Jesus|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

I Have Seen. God Is Exactly Who He Says He Is.

How can one describe in human words and understanding the magnificence and grandeur of the Living God? How can one possibly put into the confines of human language that which man cannot even fathom without the gracious spirit of Jesus? What I have seen and experienced firsthand may seem as mystical craziness by the critic and blaspheme by the Christian. Yet what can I do? I stand here after many years of communion with the Living God, the Great I Am, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and with His Son, Jesus, the Christ. I’m wondering how to even begin to articulate a fraction of what has been revealed to me in a coherent matter to people who are too […]

God Stands the Test of Evil and Time

“In a time of peace and security, when no one is looking, there is one final display of My power.” Father hands me a dark scroll and says, “This is the last scroll.”

“The time is short. The angels are gathering. Chaos will reign, but only for a short time. My people, My children, many of you will be caught in sinful acts and will be exposed.”

“In 5 Months you will see My reign in a whole new way.”

I ask, may I open it? Father nods.

The scroll says, “Many have tried to discredit, burn, terrorize, nullify, extinguish, hide, remove, and destroy that which I Am and have created, established and written, not only on parchment, but also on the hearts of men. […]

By |2020-04-28T18:08:31+00:00February 6th, 2020|Categories: About God, End Times, Hearing From God, Heaven|Tags: , , , , , , , |

Simplicity Reveals God’s Real Treasure

Jesus leans back and says, “I am your responsibility. People, places, worldly events, they should not deter you from Me, but instead push you to Me all the more. Man does not know what they want, else they would desire after Me. They run to and fro seeking anything else but Me.”

I think of the social media that many are running to. Jesus continues, “Entertainment, not truth. People want to be withdrawn from their lives into a world of lies and fantasy, which then becomes their heart’s desire for truth. Chasing after the wind, all that is vanity. To desire truth is to seek it out. Work for it. This country has forgotten the joy, the experience of knowing Me!”

Jesus leads […]

Rebuilding What Jesus Destroyed

I see Jesus with a foot on the temple mount. “Jerusalem. Where they kill My prophets, deny My truth.” He looks at me with sadness in His eyes as He steps away from the mount. “They say they know My Father, yet they deny Me.” Jesus looks up to the throne of God the Father.

Father looks at us, shakes His head and dismisses with His right hand.

“They are rebuilding for sacrifices again as though My atoning death is not enough.” Jesus takes me to a hall, hidden from the world, as if what they are doing is in secret. I see men dressed in clean attire, according to their status or role, working. There is a man hand sewing a design […]

You Are Desired By God To Be With Him For Eternity

I look up at Father, He is bright and radiant with love beyond comprehension.

“Sustenance is what man desires, but are never satisfied. Man is designed to attend to the food and water I have to offer that never is empty. The well is deep, never ending from My throne. My food is eternal. All that man desires is here, within and from Me, yet they seek the empty pleasures and fulfillments from outside My design that always brings ruin.”

“The Kingdom of the Lord Almighty is open for everyone to enter through the open door. The door is clearly marked, with no visible lock or door knob. My door is always open, until the appointed time when I shall close the door. […]

By |2020-04-13T17:16:43+00:00July 24th, 2019|Categories: About God, From God|Tags: , , , , , , , |
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