How To Read2023-11-17T02:16:28+00:00


For simplicity and ease of reading, the words ‘man’ and ‘he’ are used in the general sense for both male and female. In reading these writings, everything in quotes are the words from either Jesus or God the Father. All other words written are attempts to put into words what I am seeing as well as my thoughts and dialogue with Him. When in the presence of Jesus and the Father, they know what I am thinking so putting my thoughts into proper written dialog seems, well, difficult.

Scripture references relating to the subject of discussion are also included for your to hover or click on to review. I encourage you to search the Bible! Jesus will not deny you His Wisdom if you sincerely ask Him, James 1:5.

As you engage with each dialogue, start each reading with a prayer of confession (to be right with God), of protection (to keep the enemy’s influences away) and of guidance (so the Lord can teach you what He wants you to understand). Then grab your Bible, a writing utensil of choice, a cup of coffee if you are like me, and begin a study that has the potential to draw you deeper into your relationship with Jesus than you thought possible.

Jesus is the only personal God who desires for all men to come to Him through the offer of friendship. Salvation is not because of anything great or wonderful or perfect that we have done. On the contrary, salvation is only because of Jesus’ perfect life which He offered freely as a sacrifice on the cross. His life, death and resurrection demonstrate to all His great love for us. None of us are worthy on our own accord. We are worthy only because God created each one of us and calls to us to come to Him. (Psalm 139:13-18, Proverbs 1:20-33, I Timothy 2:3-6, John 14:6). The truths God shares in these dialogues and visions are not just for me, they are for everyone who chooses to follow Him.

You can begin with my first vision, “My Calling”, to learn more about the majesty of Jesus’ authority and kingship as He called me to serve.

Visions & Writings

Jesus Will Judge the Goats – Who Are They?

Jesus comes to me and says, "Tell them. Make this known. The separation of sheep and goats has been a continual process all these years. Have I not warned that each must go through the gate? I am the only way to the Father. There are no short cuts, no other gates or paths to come into My Kingdom.”

Father Declares the Fullness of Man’s Decisions Has Arrived

Father slams His fist on His throne and stands up, “The time has come to allow the fullness of what man desires to be their destruction unto the end. There is no other power or authority that I have not only seen, but have also allowed. Many of My People would rather succumb to the lures and complacency of the evil around them than to stand up and say ‘no more’. There are remnants of My holy ones shining brightly. But there are many who think they are holy and standing up for My Truth, but do it in vanity and disdain. How can one who says they love Me still walk with hatred in their hearts? No. It is time. Man has had the opportunity to choose whom they will serve.”

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A Look At Yourself In the Sea of Glass

“Come here, child. Let me teach you something. Psalm 139:13.” Psalm 139:13 ESV "For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb." “I have known you from before I [...]

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As Darkness Rolls Over the Land

I look at the script, I do not recognize it. It is beautiful, in multidimensional black and gold ink. I spread my hand over it as if to smooth it. As I do, the letters start to become legible. I set it down on a clear podium that suddenly appears before me. I read aloud to the darkness before me. “Let the redeemed of the Lord God Almighty be strengthened.

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