I Have Seen. God Is Exactly Who He Says He Is.

How can one describe in human words and understanding the magnificence and grandeur of the Living God? How can one possibly put into the confines of human language that which man cannot even fathom without the gracious spirit of Jesus? What I have seen and experienced firsthand may seem as mystical craziness by the critic and blaspheme by the Christian. Yet what can I do? I stand here after many years of communion with the Living God, the Great I Am, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and with His Son, Jesus, the Christ. I’m wondering how to even begin to articulate a fraction of what has been revealed to me in a coherent matter to people who are too […]

God Stands the Test of Evil and Time

“In a time of peace and security, when no one is looking, there is one final display of My power.” Father hands me a dark scroll and says, “This is the last scroll.”

“The time is short. The angels are gathering. Chaos will reign, but only for a short time. My people, My children, many of you will be caught in sinful acts and will be exposed.”

“In 5 Months you will see My reign in a whole new way.”

I ask, may I open it? Father nods.

The scroll says, “Many have tried to discredit, burn, terrorize, nullify, extinguish, hide, remove, and destroy that which I Am and have created, established and written, not only on parchment, but also on the hearts of men. […]

By |2020-04-28T18:08:31+00:00February 6th, 2020|Categories: About God, End Times, Hearing From God, Heaven|Tags: , , , , , , , |

How to Hear From Jesus

God speaks through His Spirit with those who abide in Him (John 14:15-27, Gal 5:25). What is interesting is if we are not led by God’s Spirit, we are not His children (Romans 8:14). As we seek to have a right relationship with God and abide in Him, we begin to commune with Him as a friend (John 10:27, Revelation 3:20).

Your relationship with the One who created and designed you (Psalm 139) will be unique as well as a journey. As we see in Scripture, God speaks to each of His children differently:
Moses – By voice and a burning bush (Exodus 3ff), and then later face to face as a friend (Exodus 33:11).
Joseph – Given interpretation for dreams (Genesis 40)
Zechariah […]

By |2020-04-13T17:01:05+00:00August 27th, 2019|Categories: Bible Study, Hearing From God, Personal Notes|Tags: , , , , , |
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