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May you be blessed as you seek to know God better. Most importantly, read His Word. I recommend the following resources:

Visions & Writings

The Moment Jesus Returns

Even though a loud sound filled the air and resonated through my body, I could hear voices behind me, “You fool! No, it is not! Jesus is not coming back now! He can’t and He won’t!” I quickly looked behind me to see fear in almost everyone as they were screaming and running to hide. I stopped in confusion. Why were they running? Why were they so terrified at our Lord’s Return? Are they not all believers in Jesus Christ? I noticed 3 or 4 who just stood there looking unsure, yet hopeful. I turned around to continue running into the drops of light.

December 4th, 2023|Categories: End Times, From God, Jesus|Tags: , , , , , , , |

War In Israel Begins – Jesus Declares It Is Time

He stops and opens the realms to look upon the Middle East. As I look to follow His gaze, I see pockets of darkness flowing from many areas east of Israel. As the pockets of darkness combine, they hit like waves of chaos. They then keep flowing westward while still in a state of turmoil. I see the same from the south and from the north and even from Europe. “As much as they hate each other, they are following a greater hunger and thirst of destruction upon My Temple Mount. They do not truly understand the source of the hatred within

October 11th, 2023|Categories: End Times, From God, Israel, Jesus|Tags: , , , , , |

It Will Get Tough… On American Soil

Jesus kneels before me with tenderness in His eyes. “It will get tough, you will see destruction all around you, not only in the news, but on American soil. This is to happen. You must not stumble, you must stand. Encourage My children to let the world fall from their clutches, to let go of all they cherish that is not of Me. It will become dark, they will only endure if they stay with Me and cling to My Truths.”

Beauty and Dangers of the Spiritual Realms

In this experiential vision, Jesus reveals to me the beauty of His spiritual realms when He not only gives permission but also protection. Then Jesus explains the truth of experiencing these realms without Him by revealing the lures of the evil ones with lies and deceptions. Satan's ultimate goal to deceiving as many people as possible is also seen.

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