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May you be blessed as you seek to know God better. Most importantly, read His Word. I recommend the following resources:

Visions & Writings

Eternal Aspects of Our Lives

Jesus hands me a large book with gold edges. “Open it.” I gently open the book as light and images appear. The images move as multi-dimensional videos of moments of my life with each page [...]

March 26th, 2021|Categories: From God, Heaven, Jesus, Walking with Jesus|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |

The Dragon and His Work. Jesus’ Victory.

Jesus’ robes change to the dress of a kingly warrior and becomes very large before me. "All of heaven knows,” He looks to the Father on His throne, “I Am and I alone shall destroy all that does not belong to Me." He mounts His horse who is as large as He is, full of power and strength. The horse dances in place with a perfect unity with Jesus. “All of heaven is waiting for Me to ultimately destroy all that is wicked and vile and to bring to fullness the completion of My family/existence.”

It Will Get Tough… On American Soil

Jesus kneels before me with tenderness in His eyes. “It will get tough, you will see destruction all around you, not only in the news, but on American soil. This is to happen. You must not stumble, you must stand. Encourage My children to let the world fall from their clutches, to let go of all they cherish that is not of Me. It will become dark, they will only endure if they stay with Me and cling to My Truths.”

Simplicity Reveals God’s Real Treasure

Jesus leans back and says, “I am your responsibility. People, places, worldly events, they should not deter you from Me, but instead push you to Me all the more. Man does not know what they [...]

Exploring Eternity’s Dimensions, Or Lack Thereof

Jesus hands me a small paper bag. As I take it, the bag that is small enough for my hand to hold becomes transparent and extremely large. At the same time I am holding the [...]

October 22nd, 2020|Categories: End Times, From God, Heaven, Jesus|Tags: , , , , , , , |
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