I am standing with Jesus in the universe seeing stars and galaxies. In the distance I see what looks like a door within the universe closing. Or opening. I don’t know which. There is a sliver of extremely bright light shining through the crack of the door.
Jesus says, “Time is short.”
“The enemy is gathering worldwide his army, he has strategically positioned himself to line up against all My People, small to great, at one time.”
Jesus brings the earth into view. I see lines of light shrinking and getting brighter as darkness pushes in different directions. All around the world these lines are being pressed together.
“Each movement is strategically different to accomplish the goals needed within that country. Yet all are designed to be perfectly timed to enact its pressure to destroy at once. This is to happen as I have spoken of this moment. My People are to look up, look to Me. This battle is the final one. My horses are being prepared, My army being gathered. My elect shall be standing as I come to gather them. The reflection of My perfection is being radiated within their being. My elect are able to withstand the pressures and demands of this world because they know I Am and that they are Mine. They sacrifice for My Kingdom now, as they surrender their lives for Me and for others. Time is short. Throw away all that is waste and cumbersome. Redeem your time in all areas for My work.”