Asking Jesus About the Torah: Understanding the King’s Law

I ask Jesus, “Lord, what is Your perspective on the study of the Torah?”

Jesus lifts me to His lap and opens up a story book for me to read with Him.

Jesus reads, “There once was a king who lived in a tall and beautiful castle. He would watch his people from the window of his tallest spire where his throne room was. Few desired to come near him for fear of his power and authority. Many rumors were spread in his kingdom about him, his family and even his kingship. So, one day, he decided to write down his law for his people, because much injustice was happening not only to them by others, but also to one another. He […]

By |2024-02-21T01:57:04+00:00February 21st, 2024|Categories: Commandments, From God, Jesus, Law, Legalism vs Freedom, Torah|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |

There Is No Time To Waste

Jesus continues, “No other time in all of history has every nation, every country and every government stood in such opposition to Me. What is being declared at this moment against Israel is being declared not only from the highest seats of government aloud, but also behind closed doors. How foolish of them to think I cannot see! What has been spoken in the dark secret places will now be seen by all. They are only confirming what I have already spoken through my prophets as they pave the way for My arrival!”

By |2023-11-17T18:28:15+00:00November 16th, 2023|Categories: End Times, From God|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

Father Declares the Fullness of Man’s Decisions Has Arrived

Father slams His fist on His throne and stands up, “The time has come to allow the fullness of what man desires to be their destruction unto the end. There is no other power or authority that I have not only seen, but have also allowed. Many of My People would rather succumb to the lures and complacency of the evil around them than to stand up and say ‘no more’. There are remnants of My holy ones shining brightly. But there are many who think they are holy and standing up for My Truth, but do it in vanity and disdain. How can one who says they love Me still walk with hatred in their hearts? No. It is time. Man has had the opportunity to choose whom they will serve.”

By |2023-10-14T18:27:41+00:00October 13th, 2023|Categories: End Times, From God, Israel|Tags: , , , , , , , |

Why Do Men Strive to Destroy God’s Goodness?

“That which is from the beginning shall have no end.
He extends His loving kindness from morning to morning,
to all those who will hear His voice.
His trumpet shall resound
from the furthest reaches of the heavens
to the deepest depths of Sheol.
There is none who can take Him
from His established throne above all creation.
None can displace from His head
even one hair nor one toe from His footstool.

Why do men strive to destroy His goodness?
Who among the loins of man can disrupt His plans?
Who in the heavenlies can thwart His plan
that has been established from before even their existence?

None can, that is the answer.
None in all the heavenly realms or in creation below can displace even one jot or iota of God’s Truth.
They can only […]

By |2023-04-11T00:22:20+00:00April 11th, 2023|Categories: About God, End Times, From God, Heaven|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |

Jesus’ Enemies as His Footstool

Jesus asks me, “Do you know what it means for Father to put everything in subjection to Me? Or do you understand Him putting all My enemies under My feet as a footstool?” He continues, “Many in America think a footstool is what one places their feet on when lounging or relaxing. But think of it as the footstool under the feet of a king on his throne."

Jesus Reveals the Truth of Evil

“All power, all Authority, all that is righteous and good belong to Us. The claims of the enemies of every tribe, of every time, of every throne is now renounced!” I see Jesus and the Father throw down and crumble before Them everything that is established as dark power and authority. As They do, all darkness flees to run and hide from Their presence.

Jesus Explains His Existence

Jesus calls me to His side. “Write child. The distance between My words and the proclamation of My being is a margin for little to no error. The standing of My presence within the being of My text is one and the same. None can destroy My Word, nor can they destroy Me for both are unending in the scope of your realm of understanding. The existence between the exemplifications of the issuance of My Words is the proof of the existence of My very nature and being. For this is how My Father has established all that is known of Me into your reality of existence. Since nature has taken upon the exemplification of who I am then there is […]

The Father Calls His Children To Rise Up

The Father of Glory comes to me during prayer and says, “Proclaim to My church, to My people, to My children:
Are you not Mine? Yet you are asleep. Awake! Arise! Stand up from among the dead. Rise up above the fear and proclaim to all those around you I Am the Great I Am, the One who loves and forgives all sins and brings life to the dead and hope to the hopeless. Rise up! Sing aloud, do not hold back. Do not conform to the standards of the world. Church, rise up! Proclaim My Word! Do not allow the enemy to steal the power and authority I have given to you! Do not allow the lies of the enemy to […]

By |2020-05-07T18:39:12+00:00May 3rd, 2020|Categories: From God|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

God Hears Your Prayers, But…

God the Father proclaims in a voice sounding as of many waters, “Send this to the masses: I hear your prayers: your prayers of healing, your petitions of provision, your cries for mercy. Yet I have this against you, you refuse to cry out for My truth, for who I Am and not who you have created Me to be. You deny My existence, My Creation, My Salvation and desire only what I can give you. Foolish ones, I know your hearts. I see the evil you speak and do. I am uncovering before your eyes the wickedness done within your homes, your communities, your nations, and your churches. Turn from your wicked ways, completely with your whole heart follow Me […]

By |2020-04-15T19:31:24+00:00April 15th, 2020|Categories: From God, Walking with Jesus|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

Repent Now For The Time Is Near

Father, what can You tell me about the Corona virus that we are all facing?

“This virus has been allotted for this time, this hour and this season to display who I Am. I am sifting My wheat. Many of those who claim to be Mine refuse to understand I am justice and righteousness. My wrath is filled as well with My glory so that My Name shall be resounded throughout the earth. I have had enough of the cruelty to My children and to My creation. My judgment stands as follows:”

The one to who has been given much, much shall be required. The one who has stolen shall have take from them even what they do not have. The one […]

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