About Noelle

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So far Noelle has created 112 blog entries.

Jesus Asks, “Will I Find Faith?”

Jesus approaches me and asks, “Will I find faith on the earth? Yes, a remnant around the world do not falter when faced with persecution for their faith in Me. Is there any in America? So much knowledge, so much of My Truth at everyone’s grasp and yet, those who claim to be My People reach for the enemy’s food. None of them will be able to stand in tribulation and persecution."

By |2023-10-19T15:37:49+00:00October 19th, 2023|Categories: From God, Jesus, Walking with Jesus|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

Jesus’ Expectations for His Children

"Tell them! Tell them as they choose to sin against Me in the dark, or even before others, all will be completely exposed and brought to the light unless they humble themselves before Me and seek forgiveness and choose to follow Me and My commands as I taught. And for those who wish to twist what I mean by “My Commands”, let Me clarify so everyone will know and there is no mistake in understanding or teaching.

By |2023-10-16T15:28:24+00:00October 16th, 2023|Categories: From God, Jesus|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Jesus Describes Current Tactics Against Israel and Their Allies

As far as the War in Israel, today I heard clearly from the Lord on this issue.

Jesus says, “Hamas has withdrawn to regroup and call for more support, both in troops and in weaponry. They are not finished. There will be several small skirmishes and surprise attacks in different areas to keep Israel and their allies off guard and distracted. Many countries are watching from their comfort and strategizing how to best protect their own interest. They are wanting the conflict to end, but in their desire for selfish gain and to stop the warring, they will choose the wrong tactic and support that which is against Israel. Now, in the diversion tactics, Israel’s allies will not be watching closely their […]

By |2023-10-14T18:27:22+00:00October 14th, 2023|Categories: From God, Israel|Tags: , , |

Father Declares the Fullness of Man’s Decisions Has Arrived

Father slams His fist on His throne and stands up, “The time has come to allow the fullness of what man desires to be their destruction unto the end. There is no other power or authority that I have not only seen, but have also allowed. Many of My People would rather succumb to the lures and complacency of the evil around them than to stand up and say ‘no more’. There are remnants of My holy ones shining brightly. But there are many who think they are holy and standing up for My Truth, but do it in vanity and disdain. How can one who says they love Me still walk with hatred in their hearts? No. It is time. Man has had the opportunity to choose whom they will serve.”

By |2023-10-14T18:27:41+00:00October 13th, 2023|Categories: End Times, From God, Israel|Tags: , , , , , , , |

War In Israel Begins – Jesus Declares It Is Time

He stops and opens the realms to look upon the Middle East. As I look to follow His gaze, I see pockets of darkness flowing from many areas east of Israel. As the pockets of darkness combine, they hit like waves of chaos. They then keep flowing westward while still in a state of turmoil. I see the same from the south and from the north and even from Europe. “As much as they hate each other, they are following a greater hunger and thirst of destruction upon My Temple Mount. They do not truly understand the source of the hatred within

By |2023-10-14T18:27:51+00:00October 11th, 2023|Categories: End Times, From God, Israel, Jesus|Tags: , , , , , |

Learning in Eternity

Jesus takes me to a massive library within His realm. It is filled with many books of different sizes and colors as far as I can see. As I look up at the extreme height of the bookshelves, I realize there is no ceiling. Above us is openness which a view of the Father on His throne in the distance. All the books seem to radiate with light and understanding which lure me to them. Jesus calls me to Him as He sits down in a white chair. I notice a chair across from Him for me to sit. I look around at the gorgeous polished wood tables scattered throughout the aisles, but between Jesus and myself is nothing but pristine […]

By |2023-06-19T23:11:36+00:00June 19th, 2023|Categories: About God, End Times, Heaven, Jesus|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |

Why Do Men Strive to Destroy God’s Goodness?

“That which is from the beginning shall have no end.
He extends His loving kindness from morning to morning,
to all those who will hear His voice.
His trumpet shall resound
from the furthest reaches of the heavens
to the deepest depths of Sheol.
There is none who can take Him
from His established throne above all creation.
None can displace from His head
even one hair nor one toe from His footstool.

Why do men strive to destroy His goodness?
Who among the loins of man can disrupt His plans?
Who in the heavenlies can thwart His plan
that has been established from before even their existence?

None can, that is the answer.
None in all the heavenly realms or in creation below can displace even one jot or iota of God’s Truth.
They can only […]

By |2023-04-11T00:22:20+00:00April 11th, 2023|Categories: About God, End Times, From God, Heaven|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |

The Beast of Revelation

Through the darkness it looks like the turbulent surface of the ocean has become hundreds of thousands of people all reaching up at a single entity. They are acting as if they are at a concert shouting and waving at a band. As the entity that is not human rises up from among them I take in a deep breath. I gasp at the hideousness of the creature. The creature has massive juts of scales coming out of its body, massive large feet with claws to rip apart anything in its way.

Jesus’ Enemies as His Footstool

Jesus asks me, “Do you know what it means for Father to put everything in subjection to Me? Or do you understand Him putting all My enemies under My feet as a footstool?” He continues, “Many in America think a footstool is what one places their feet on when lounging or relaxing. But think of it as the footstool under the feet of a king on his throne."

As Darkness Rolls Over the Land

I look at the script, I do not recognize it. It is beautiful, in multidimensional black and gold ink. I spread my hand over it as if to smooth it. As I do, the letters start to become legible. I set it down on a clear podium that suddenly appears before me. I read aloud to the darkness before me. “Let the redeemed of the Lord God Almighty be strengthened.

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