I felt drawn to read Isaiah 11, and after I did, I heard God the Father speak to me. He says, “That which many call the millennium prophecies are declarations of My Holy Mountain.”

Then He asks, “What is a mountain again in prophecy? Is it not a government, national control, leadership, ownership, authority, and power? Yes, all that will be, will be under My complete authority. Have I not created all that there is? Any who try to usurp Me or My authority will be thrown into the lake of fire.” I hear the authority in His voice.

He continues, “I Am, and I Am all there is. One day the scroll will be opened, the earth and all that is physical will be destroyed, all that will be left is Me and that which is Mine. My Son shall rule and all will bow down to Him, who is the joy of the nations that will endure forever. Even now, My Holy Mountain exists in its perfection with little ones as you have read in Isaiah 11. Yes, I led you to that chapter. Why do people forget that which is existent and true is in My realm now? Man is so fickle, thinking everything is about them and within their limitations. Most cannot, or will not, see past their own desires and the doctrines of man. I am about to cast aside all that is ungodly, as in the days of Noah. My righteous will see and be ready to greet Me, the rest will run in shame. In regret and, yes, hatred of My presence. Everyone knows that I Am their creator.” I sensed this was truth for even those who do not in this life acknowledge God as creator. They may deny it verbally, but in their spirit they know the truth.

Father continues, “And yet most deny Me as their Lord. They shall have the fullness of their desires and be consumed. I am about to wrap up time as you know it. That third temple is a blasphemy unto My Name and all I have accomplished through My Son. They shall receive the fullness of their hope from that temple. See how My remnant is the rejected and dispersed of Israel. Do they not cast out all who claim My Son as their Messiah? The greater sin is not those who hate Israel, but those who should be My People and yet reject my Son, and hate My Children, who truly are My People.”

I see Jesus clearly, now standing with the Father, “Watch, for the ones who killed Me,” He says. “For they shall be the ones who will kill My witnesses on Jerusalem mount. Their bodies shall lay there as a testimony, but few will recognize My sign because of their false interpretations of the prophecies. Just as they missed My first arrival, they shall miss My second. If only My own children would stop teaching falsely and leading many to their demise! Why can they not see the deceptions poured into My Truth for what they are… LIES!” Jesus spoke the word with anger and power that shakes everything around me, including my entire being. “The rapture, as taught by thousands to the millions, clouds My Truth as I spoke it; as does the addition of the rabbinical teachings to My Word! They did not recognize My first coming because of all the lies and additions to Moses and the prophets. Thus they shall not recognize My final return for the same reason. They will reason with Me in futility as they did before. But this time, it will be their final judgment as well. All will be burned away that is not Mine, and what is left will stand or fall before Me.”