“When the impossibilities of the world around you is understood to be insurmountable and overwhelming, remember who I Am. I have not only created all that you can see and experience, but also walked it Myself. When one follows my footsteps, they will begin to understand My perspective. My teaching was to help people understand the eternal nature of their being. Did I not proclaim to Pilot that My Kingdom is not of this world? So why are My children still trying to force My truths and teachings to conform into an earthly kingdom? Why are My words being taught to harm, destroy, and attack others? Especially against other Christians who are My children? No, those who do and say such, especially the teachers, will not only be held accountable, but many will not enter into My eternal home. Why should they when they have misused My truth for their gain. I tell you the truth, they have their reward as they reap worldly treasures. They are not reaping treasures from My hand, but instead, they will receive My judgment!”
Perspective on God’s Kingdom
By Noelle|2020-03-17T16:29:37+00:00March 17th, 2020|Categories: From God|Tags: Choices, Daily Life, Eternity, God's Family, God's Kingdom, Heaven, I Am, Jesus, Unity|