Jesus says to me, “Tell all who will hear, I see everything in the highest office suite to the tunnels underground. There is no where any person can go where I do not see and know the intents of one’s heart. Those of you who are bound by the cords others have placed upon you, I see you as well. Know that I can and do bring freedom within regardless of what others may do to you. When you choose to follow Me, even in the darkness of the sins of others, your reward will be great here with Me for all eternity. I promise you, it will be worth every tear and cry of pain what I have planned for you.”
“This world is nothing compared to eternity with Me. So many of My own people choose the confines and restrictions of this world above what I have to offer them, not only for eternity, but also here and now on earth. In the darkness, in the hopelessness I hear your cries, but do you not realize the prison doors are wide open? Can you not open your heart and mind to take courage and leave the choices of sin you continually hang on to? My love for you is greater than anyone else, yet My People chose the love of others over Me. No. This is My warning to you, My People, if you choose the love of others over Me, you do not love Me, you are not worthy of Me. Can you not see, when you love Me first, seek Me first, put your loyalty to Me first, then I will surround you with My love beyond all understanding. My love, then, will flow through you to those around you in powerful ways. The difference between the love I offer and the love from one’s own heart, is that My love gives freedom and power. A person’s own love actually brings bondage and fear. Take a moment, think about it. When people love from their own strength, do they not put conditions upon a relationship? Do they not often react in fear and anger when they feel the relationship or themselves are being threatened?”
“When one is loyal to Me and secure in My love, the love they give others is without limits in more ways than can be articulated. Therefore, I say again, love Me and follow Me and I will surround you with my love that is beyond all comprehension. Forsake the sins that have bound you and keep you from being close to Me. Forsake the sinful desires of this world, for they will soon be destroyed with their creator. Choose Me and My way. I can only save those who forsake the world and choose to follow Me. Everyone else is only deceiving themselves, and yes, deceiving others as well. Come, follow Me and I will give you eternal rest and peace.”