Learning God’s truth in the midst of lies the world demands us to believe takes us on a journey that many times is filled with pain and uncertainty.
Jesus shares, “My truth is higher than any experience or lie or pain. Along with My truth comes My love, My joy, My hope as well as My peace. In order to receive what I have to give you, you must lay down your life, including your own expectations and understandings. In exchange, you will receive from My hand more than you can imagine.”
“As you walk with Me in My truth, rejoice in My work in and through you, even when there appears to be emptiness. The sun shines whether you see it or not, the bird sings whether you hear it or not, and I am working whether you sense it or not. My faithfulness and My promises are My responsibility to keep, not yours. You are to trust, love, and follow Me.”
I see Jesus hand me the Bible. “Read. Study. Absorb. Believe. Ask questions. Seek Me with all your heart.”
Then I see Jesus hold out His hand for me. “Come to Me, all day, everyday, every moment you can. For I am with you and desiring to walk with you, not just beside you. Think about it, there is a difference.”
Colossians 3