I’m at my desk again in the throne room of the Father and Jesus. Their robes are spreading all around with Their Glory flowing off them as radiant light. Also in the room are spiritual beings, humans who are already glorified, and other prophets writing as I am.

“I am sending out My Word to the four corners of the world.” I see a blanket covering all the world with no area left untouched. “Many of My prophets are called to write and to speak what I have given them, but they add to with their own judgments and understandings. There are a few faithful ones though, who will speak what I say and no more. Regardless, My Words will still stand, My warnings sent. For what is about to happen not only in the Middle East, but all around the world, will be done perfectly according to what I have told the prophets of old.” I see before me a pair of glasses that work like a View Master toy from my childhood. As a frame from John’s writings in the Book of Revelation is displayed, prophecies from the Old Testament are revealed clearly. I see the words: “Encoded to be Decoded”. I realize the distance from the glasses changes the perspective just like an image focuses when projected correctly on the back of the eye. Not only does the distance need to be correct, but also the lighting – which is only from Jesus Himself.

I look up to Jesus to make sure I wrote down correctly what I saw. He nods, then looks up. I follow His gaze to see a glorious sunset in the distance. The colors are magnificent as if seen from an airplane high above the earth. Its light is being sent over all the earth as last flash of brilliance before being completely hidden by darkness. Just as its light is cut off from the entire world, a sliver of a moment of deep darkness falls. Quickly, a new, brighter light overtakes the darkness, the entire world all the way through the heavens with a glorious sunrise from a sun larger than the entire sky itself. Jesus says, “Half an hour, child. That is all. No more, no less. You must stand and tell My people to do the same.” Can you define half an hour for us, Lord? “When all is dark, I am waiting for that moment to the fullness of all decisions and sin to be set, and then I shall make a complete end of all that is against Me. All the earth will have made its choice. Even those who choose to ride the waves of the sea thinking they are not getting involved, have made their choice against Me.”

As I look out at the dark evil as a mighty sea moving around the world, I see individuals as lights standing while chaos swirls around them. The waves wash over their feet, but they are not moved. They stand firmly, looking up to the heavens, focusing on Jesus. As they stand, the Spirit of God flows for them to radiate light and gain even more strength to continue standing against the deceptions, lies, terror, and abominations around them. One by one, many of them look around at the chaos. As they do, they immediately turn dark and fall into the waters. Jesus confirms my thoughts and says, “Yes, Peter is the example for all to understand. But this time, they will not be able to call to Me for help because their minds will be filled with that which overcomes them to the point of darkness and defeat.”

“As for Oct 2, a mighty attack from the spiritual realms becoming reality within your realms will be allowed. Shore yourself up spiritually, as well as the church. Deceptions, lies and baits will be online everywhere for all to see. War has been declared on Israel and on all their supporters in every area, more than just political. Remember, the one who saves their lives will lose their lives. I am life, eternal life, life beyond the confines and evils in your world.”

What must we do? “Fast and pray. Pray that not only you will be able to stand, but also your brothers and sisters around the world. Fast as I lead each one.”

“Time is short, I am and will sift the wheat from the chaff.”

“I have spoken, it shall be done.”