”My peace is found nowhere else but with Me. Reconciliation is difficult, many run away from it with others as well as Myself. It is difficult to face the one you have conflict with face to face.”

“The shame, guilt or fear grips within, which is why most people cannot face the other they have a conflict with so they flee. It is the same with Me. But, there are significant differences facing Me versus another person. Not only do I know the heart and mind of the one coming before Me, but I also know the intent. Is the one approaching Me in humility or in arrogance and blame? I know. I renounce the proud by giving them a mirror to look into and they usually repel blaming Myself or others. The humble, though, I eagerly embrace and forgive. In their humbleness I can work in them to reconcile with others if need be. How can I be in unity with someone if they are not reconciled with another of My children? How can I be in unity through My Spirit of truth and love with My children who are not in walking in humility and love with each other? This is an important dichotomy within My Kingdom that many do not grasp, and yet, they should. Look at My Word. Is not love, forgiveness and reconciliation proclaimed from cover to cover and ending with Me? My ways are not man’s ways. My thoughts cannot be made sense of by the world without My Spirit. Therefore, to love one another, including those who hurt you and your enemies, is to love Me. ” – Jesus