God Delights In His Remnant

“The shepherds are to tend to My sheep, My children as if they were their own; in tenderness and in truth. Training and rebuke are required to maintain their safety and maturity. Each shepherd will be accountable, not for the numbers or money or increase, but for their representation of who I Am and My work through them. Child, did I have a mega church? No, I poured into a few and spoke My Truth to the masses. But the masses could not, nor did they want to, change their lives for Me. They wanted Me to change Myself and give to them so they could continue in their ways.”

“Why is it the divorce rate, the suicide rate, the porn and […]

Simplicity Reveals God’s Real Treasure

Jesus leans back and says, “I am your responsibility. People, places, worldly events, they should not deter you from Me, but instead push you to Me all the more. Man does not know what they want, else they would desire after Me. They run to and fro seeking anything else but Me.”

I think of the social media that many are running to. Jesus continues, “Entertainment, not truth. People want to be withdrawn from their lives into a world of lies and fantasy, which then becomes their heart’s desire for truth. Chasing after the wind, all that is vanity. To desire truth is to seek it out. Work for it. This country has forgotten the joy, the experience of knowing Me!”

Jesus leads […]

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