“No more laying down. Sit up. Stand up. Live! Transforming your life is not from the outside in, but inside out. Start with your spirit, My Spirit”

“Come here.” I run to Jesus. He picks me up. I sense lightning bolts of joy rippling through me at His touch.

“No more laying down. Sit up. Stand up. Live! Transforming your life is not from the outside in, but inside out. Start with your spirit, My Spirit. When you seek Me and pray with Me, you are feeding your soul which feeds your mind and your body. Your spirit is eternal, it is from Me and will return to Me if you choose. Remember I said I had food that my disciples knew not of, it was doing the will of My Father. How? By constantly getting alone with Him for His measure of life, truth and direction. Every set, every moment I walked in obedience with My Father, your Father. Remember ‘You shall do greater things’? Then do them. Not by the way of the world, but by Our ways.”